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Omeka + Neatline

Jess Waggoner | Spring 2017

Omeka is a collection management tool for online exhibits. This content management system is specifically designed to input information about objects consistent with professional museum and library metadata schemes (back-end information structures). This tool is particularly useful for digital exhibit projects where you want to create an online exhibit that mirrors the collection style display of a physical exhibit. Anyone can create a limited account at For classes, please contact us at to inquire about setting up an Omeka S Class instance prior to the quarter of your desired class.


Create a Neatline Exhibit

  1. Log into your Omeka site
  2. Click on the Neatline tab in the vertical menu on the left.
  3. Click on the Create an Exhibit link at the top of the screen. A form opens up where you will add information about your exhibit. 
  4. Enter a title into the Title field.
  5. Don't worry about the URL field. It will fill in automatically. 
  6. Click in the Widgets field, and select the SIMILE Timeline, Waypoints and Text.
  7. Click in the Enabled Spatial Layers field and select the layers you would like for your map. Choose more than one if you would like your users to be able to change the layer when viewing your map.
  8. Select a Default Spatial Layer
  9. Click Save Exhibit. You'll be taken back to the main exhibits interface where you will see your exhibit, as well as those created by others in your class. 

Set the Default Map Focus

  1. Click on your exhibit title to start setting up your map.
  2. Click and drag on the map to focus on the part of the world where you would like to focus.  Pan and zoom the map to exactly the position that you want to use as the default. 
  3. Once the map is in the right place, click on the Styles tab at the top of the editing panel on the left side of the screen, and scroll down to the Default Map Focus and Default Map Zoom fields. Click the Use Current Viewport as Default button and the fields will be automatically populated by the current latitude/longitude focus and zoom level of the map.
  4. Click on Save to lock the new defaults. Now when you refresh the page the map will automatically start at this location. 

Configure the Timeline

  1. Click on the Plugins dropdown at the top of the editing panel and select the SIMILE Timeline option.
  2. Under Default Date, enter the year you would like the timeline to automatically focus on when the exhibit starts. 
  3. Select the appropriate Interval Unit in the dropdown, such as Century or Decade. 
  4. See this guide for help with setting dates. 
  5. Click the Save button when finished.



Add an Interactive Timeline

Add Waypoints

Connect paragraphs, sentences and words with annotations in exhibits