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An Introductory Guide to Video Editing with OpenShot

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Accessing the Editing Module

  1. Go to your Media Library. Navigate to the desired video/audio upload.
  2. Hover over the desired video and click on Edit. This will open the Video Editor in a new tab.

Note: You can upload your own video clips by clicking the upload option.

The User Interface

Yuji Editing module UIQuick Reference guide to the navigate the Yuja Video Editor Module

  1.     Primary Video
  2.     Secondary Video
  3.     Tool Bar
  4.     Zoom in/out controls
  5.     Timeline Slider
  6.     audio waveform
  7.     Primary and Secondary video timeline
  8.     Closed caption timeline


Video Player Tools:

  1.    Play/Pause
  2.     Volume control/mute
  3.     Current Time
  4.     Play head - where you are in the timelineYuja Video Player Tools
  5.     Total Duration
  6.     Play Speed
  7.     List of Actions - Defines past actions in the editor
  8.     Caption - opens the Captioning editor and viewer
  9.     Index Viewer
  10.     Settings Menu

Basic Tools

Zoom toolbar in Yuja

Zoom: Using the Magnifying glasses underneath the video player you can zoom in and out of your timeline for more precise editing.


Timeline Slider: Using the slider underneath the video allows you to move through the timeline through your viewer. This allows you to match your play head and allows for more precise editing.

The Tool Bar:

  1.     Trim StartYuja Tool Bar
  2.     Trim End
  3.     Cut
  4.     Undo
  5.     Insert Slide or Image
  6.     Insert Video
  7.     Image tools
  8.     Add text overlay on the current stream

Video Editor Hot Keys

The Video Editor supports the use of a number of Hot Keys for convenient and accessible keyboard control. Many of these may be familiar to you. To use any of the hot keys, press the key or keys on your keyboard at the same time. The + sign shown in the examples below is not to be pressed unless marked with single quote marks.

  •     Press Ctrl + Z to undo one or multiple edits.
  •     Use Ctrl + S to save your file. The Platform’s Video Editor is non-destructive and media will be saved with a new filename.
  •     Press Ctrl + Space to play/pause the media during editing.
  •     Use Ctrl + X to cut content from within the media.
  •     Press Ctrl + > to Trim Start.
  •     Choose Ctrl + < to Trim End
  •     Use Ctrl + ‘+’  to zoom in on your screen.
  •     Press Ctrl + ‘-‘ to zoom out on your screen.

Using Undo and Save in the Video Editor

The Undo feature, accessible with the Undo button, allows you to undo one or multiple editing changes.

  1.     Click Undo, the backwards arrow on the Tools menu, once or multiple times to undo past operations in the Video Editor.
  2.     Alternatively, you can use the hotkeys: (PC) Ctrl + Z, (MAC) CMD + Z

Note: You can also undo actions through the List of Actions.

Tracking Video Editing Actions

The Video Editor provides the option to review all actions taken during an editing session and undo actions at any point during the session.

  1.     Click on the List of Actions symbol; it’s the curved arrow with clock hands at the far right of the Control Bar.
  2.     Select the Undo symbol next to the action to remove any action in the List of Actions.

Using Trim Start and Trim End in the Video Editor

Trim Start and Trim End allow media editors to easily removTrim tools in Yuja Edit Modulee the start and the end portion of their zoom capture or prerecorded video.

  1.    Click Trim Start to create a selection window moving from the beginning of the media forward. Use Trim End in the same way.
  2.    Click and drag from the beginning or end of the video to the desired start point or endpoint.

Note: Yuja will automatically set the start and endpoints of the trim to where your play head position is.

Note: You can double click the trim grey area to set the end/start time for the trim head cut

Using the Cut tool

Trimming the middle of your video in the Video Editor allows you to remove unwanted content from any point in the media. Cut is represented by the scissors icon shown below the media player and allows you to trim content from any point in the media.

  1.     Click the Cut icon.Yuja Cut tool
  2.     Use the Blue Play Head to designate where you want the start of your Cut to begin.
  3.     Click and drag in the bar above the thumbnails to highlight the section of the video you wish to remove.
  4.     When you Save the media, it will no longer be part of the edited file; however, your original media remains intact.
  5.     Undo the Cut action by clicking Undo. Note: CTRL+Z (PC) CMD + Z (Mac) also work


Note: You can double click the Cut grey area to set the Start Time and End Time for the cut.

Remove a Video Stream in the Video Editor

You can remove an unnecessary stream from a multi-stream recording; for instance, you might want to keep the PowerPoint, but remove the speaker Removing video streamfrom a double streamed recording.

  1.     Click on the Information icon, represented by an “i “next to the stream you wish to remove.
  2.     Choose Remove Stream.
  3.     Click Yes in the confirmation window to allow the removal of the stream.

Note: When you remove one stream, the audio and other video streams present in the media remain in the edited file. The Video Editor is non-destructive, so your original file remains intact.

Using Image Tools in the Video Editor

Yuja's Video Editor offers two very different image-specific editing options. Utilizing these tools, you can insert a watermark onto your video or you can blur portions of an image/video. The Blur tool can be used to redact an entire portion of the media. Changes will appear after the media has re-processed after hitting the save button.

Inserting a WatermarkInserting a watermark in Yuja

Inserting a watermark enables you to brand your content and maybe a desirable option if you intend to share content publicly.

  1.     Click the Image Tools button; it looks like a sketch of a landscape.
  2.     Choose Insert Watermark.
  3.     Click Select File and choose an image. Click on Open.
  4.     Select which Stream you wish the watermark to appear on, and enter a Duration for the watermark.
  5.     Move the image to the desired position on the screen.



Blurring an Image

The Insert Blur Region tool enables you to blur all or a portion of an image shown on your media player screen or to fully blackout a portion of the video/image. This is an effective way to redact personal information or to hide a portion of the media entirely.

Bluring an image in Yuja

  1.     Select the Image Tools button that looks like a landscape from within the Video Editor.
  2.     Choose Insert Blur/Blackout Region.
  3.     Select which Stream you would like to blur and enter a Duration.





Bluring an image with a Black out

  1.     Choose Blackout Entire Video to redact a portion of the media.








Bluring a portion of the screen in Yuja

  1.     Click and drag to move the gray rectangle where you would like it to Blur a portion of the media.
  2.     Select the corner of the gray rectangle and drag it to cover the desired area. The gray rectangle will be replaced with a Blur Region in the media.









Blured video form Yuja

  1.     Select Save. After the video processes, it will contain the now blurred section.








Adding a Virtual Background

Applying a virtual background to any stream enables you to customize your video and maintain privacy of your personal location.

Image toold menu with apply virtual background


1. Click the Image Tools button and choose Add Virtual Background.





Add Virtual Background menu



2. Click Select File and choose an image from your clock device. Click on Open.



Assign Virtual Background



3. Select which Stream you would like to add the virtual background to and click Apply






Note: The virtual background will not appear on your video until you save the edit and  allow Yuja to process the new edited video.

Final Virtual background added to video after processing

Inserting a Text Overlay in the Video Editor

The Video Editor supports the addition of Text Overlays within media. This is an ideal way to add supplemental information.

Tex overlay function in Yuja


  1.     Choose the Text Overlay button identified by an Aa text symbol.
  2.     Select the desired Stream to overlay.
  3.     Enter the Text.
  4.     Choose the Font Size and Duration.
  5.     Click Apply.



Text overlay in stream video player

  1.     You can move the text overlay on the stream video player.

Inserting a Video in the Video Editor

Inserting a video allows you to upload a file to take the place of a designated portion of video content.Inserting a video in Yuja

  1.     Navigate to the desired point in the video.
  2.     Click the Insert Video button in the Video Editor. It looks like a video screen with a Play button.
  3.     Upload an MP4 file.





Insert video pop up menu in Yuja

  1.     Choose the desired option from the Select Stream drop-down box.
  2.     Review the drop-down for Select Location. You may choose to override the current content, to insert without overriding the current content, or to insert at the beginning or end of the video.
  3.     Click Apply to complete the insertion.


New video on Timeline in Yuha
Note: The new inserted video can be deleted by clicking the “X” on the new video portion on the timeline.


Inserting a Slide in the Video Editor


Slide Icon in YujaInserting a slide allows you to upload a file to take the place of a designated portion of media content.


Slide override popup menu in Yuja

  1.     Click the Insert a Slide button at the desired point in the media; it looks like an old-fashioned slide projection screen.
  2.     Choose Select File. You may choose a *.ppt, *.pptx, *.doc, *.docx, *.xlsx, or *.pdf file or an image file, like a .jpg or .png.
  3.     Enter an Override Time and Duration.




Slide in the timeline in Yuja

  1.     Select which Video Stream you would like to override with the uploaded file content.
  2.     Click Apply.   
  3.     Click on the Slide on the timeline to edit your addition. The Slide will appear after re-processing when you save your edits.

Note: It is only possible to add a single slide at a time.

Adding Telestrations in the Video Editor

Telestrations allow you to draw directly on your media; this is helpful to accent key information.

Telestations example in Yuja

Note: You can select the color of Telestrations to make them easier to view on your media.

  1.     Use the slider bar to choose the desired point in the media.
  2.     Click the Telestrations icon shaped like a pencil.
  3.     Select Create New. Use Choose Color to pick a color for your Telestrations.
  4.     Draw directly on the media using your mouse.
  5.     Click Save Overlay to save the Telestrations.

Editing Video Chapters

The Video Editor supports editing Video Chapters or the Index associated with media. This is especially useful for longer media recordings. You may customize Video Chapter headings to meet the needs of viewers and improve the ease of navigation.

Yuja video chapters pop up menu

  1.     Click on the Chapters button at the far right of the screen. The Video Chapter Index is automatically created and populated with content from the auto-captioning associated with the media file.
  2.     Click on an individual Title associated with a particular Timestamp to change it. Your changes will not impact the captions or transcript associated with the media file. You may also delete unwanted entries.
  3.     Adjust formatting to create a chapter structure. You can choose normal or bold fonts, or may select no indent, a single indent or a double indent.
  4.     Alter Timestamps if desired. This can enable you to correctly align the individual headings with your media.

Editing Captions in the Video Editor

The Video Editor offers a full-featured caption editor that includes the ability to add, change, delete captions, or to alter the timestamp associated with a caption.

Note: In order to view the closed captions on the timeline you must Zoom in.

Captions options in Yuja

  1.     Click the CC button to pull up all the closed-captions.
  2.     Below is the list of available actions for closed-captions.
  •     Update the closed-captions' timestamps: Adjust the start and end times for each closed-caption line.
  •     Edit the closed-caption texts: Change the closed-caption texts to add notes, correct wordings, update pronouns, etc.
  •     Delete a closed-caption line: Remove any unwanted closed-caption lines by clicking on the Trash icon right next to the line.
  •     Add a new closed-caption line: Add a new closed-caption line to any point of the media by clicking on the button Add Caption at mm:ss button.
  1.     Once done, click the Save button to save all the new changes.

Editing Captions During Video Editing

While editing a media file, especially trimming, this can cause the closed-caption timestamps to become invalid. In these cases, the Video Editor will notify users which part of the closed-captions would be affected so the users can act accordingly.

Note: The Video Editor will show three different statuses to let users know which closed-caption lines are affected.

    Blue - Valid: These closed-caption lines are not affected by the trim.
    Red - Pending Removal: These closed-caption lines will be removed by the trim.
    Yellow - Invalid Timestamp: These closed-caption lines are out-of-sync because of the trim.

Captioning Confidence Score

With the ability to provide Confidence Score within the Video Editor, words that the captioning engine AI may not be “sure of” are highlighted to enable a more streamlined editing experience.

  1.     Click the Gear icon and set a Preferred Score for Caption Quality.
  2.     Any words that are below that preferred score will be highlighted in light blue.
  3.     Users are also able to hover over a word of the closed-caption to display the Confidence Score.

Note: Users can also hover over any word to see the specific Confidence Score attained when transcribing the given word.

Editing Audio Files

The Platform’s Video Editor enables users to edit audio-only files, like an MP4, as well as video content. Audio edition options enable you to trim unwanted audio content from an MP3 file.

  1.     Use Trim Start, Trim End, and Cut to make any necessary edits to your audio file. Typical video tools, including Insert options, are not available for audio-only files.
  2.     Click Save to save your edits.

Adjusting Audio Levels in the Video Editor

  1.     Click on the Settings wheel at the far right. Choose Audio Levels.
  2.     Select the desired Audio Level; options include 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x, and 4x.

Acknowledgments: Yuja 2020,