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Fellowships + Opportunities

Digital Scholarship Symposium 2024

The University Library Center for Digital Scholarship is pleased to invite all UCSC students engaged in creative, critical research using digital tools and platforms to submit proposals for the 2024 Digital Scholarship Symposium. Applicants can propose to present a project in the digital project showcase and/or deliver a brief VizWall presentation (see below for information about presentation sessions).

The symposium will be held on Thursday, May 23rd, from 12–4pm
in the Digital Scholarship Commons on the ground floor of McHenry Library.

This event is CANCELLED

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More About This Event

Digital Project Showcase

The Digital Project Showcase is an opportunity for students to display their work and invite conversation. This portion of the day is similar to a poster session, with multiple projects set up around the DSC space and the ability for attendees to walk around and view each one; however, instead of printed posters, we work with presenters to provide the technology necessary to have their live digital project on display, including with relevant interactivity. Types of projects that we have showcased previously include websites, podcasts, YouTube channels, VR experiences, video games, short films, and 3D reconstructions. Projects can be individual or group work as long as all authors consent and are appropriately credited.

VizWall Presentations

The VizWall portion of the symposium provides an opportunity for students to engage in a formal presentation of their projects. Students will have a brief time slot (usually 5-10 minutes) to present in front of the DSC's VizWall, a 14'x4' screen. This type of presentation is similar to a conference presentation. While the event will be in person, presentations will be streamed and recorded via Zoom for remote viewers. All presenters will be provided a slide template and relevant presentation instructions. Presentation slides will be collected the day before the event. Please note that the VizWall is a server-run machine—it is not possible to connect your computer directly.

After the Symposium

All presenters will be given the opportunity to create a single slide for the VizWall to showcase their project after the symposium has concluded for the remainder of Spring Quarter. More information will be provided to presentations upon their application's acceptance.