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Library Strategic Directions

Active Learning Classroom


The Library provides a unique discipline-agnostic environment that supports a wide range of research and learning activities within flexible spaces that adapt to the needs of a user’s scholarship, learning cohort, and technological requirements.


Increase awareness about library learning spaces through promotion and outreach

Revitalize the Science & Engineering Library in ways that allow for creative use of its spaces for individual study, academic support services, collaboration, and community building

Maintain assessment program covering library spaces and share results with campus stakeholders

Continually work to create a welcoming environment by identifying and eliminating obstacles, such as language, cultural, or physical barriers


  • Improve Library spaces to ensure continuous support of the academic needs of all students within a welcome and inclusive environment

  • Partner to host events that promote the equalizing mission of the Library and utilize library space resources and technology 

  • Publish profiles of faculty and students utilizing library environments in innovative ways to promote an expanded view of library space resources

  • Host events on the future of academic libraries focused on information engagement, community building, and technology utilization in library spaces

  • Invite programs that advance STEM education and student success into Library spaces

  • Assess opportunities for cultivating belonging in library spaces (for example bilingual signage)

  • Renovate the third floor of S&E to provide for the needs of an increasingly diverse pool of students