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Library Strategic Directions

Open reel tapes in need of preservation


The Library participates in regional and national collectives created to preserve, broaden access, and disseminate content to the world's print and digital research collections.


Leverage partnerships with the California Digital Library and other peer institutions to digitize and preserve unique materials regardless of format

Leverage flexible and open source solutions that allow us to work with peer institutions to better disseminate and broaden access to digitized content

Communicate the Library's role in preserving the scholarly record

Critically review the Library’s collecting policies to ensure we are actively engaged in collecting and preserving materials that represent a more inclusive and holistic vision


  • Develop a digital preservation program that effectively and securely safeguards the university's unique collections, ensures continued access to that preserved content for future generations of researchers, and plans for the ongoing support and management of the library's digital materials

  • Document and share information about UCSC participation in UC-wide, regional, and national collection preservation initiatives

  • Identify collections for preservation and online publication that reflect the histories of marginalized communities of the campus or the region

  • Develop processes and workflows that allow for the preservation and accessible publication of our unique audiovisual materials

  • In partnership with CDL, digitize the materials from the Pirkle Jones and Ruth-Marion Baruch photography collection

  • With support from CLIR, digitize audio content from the Cabrillo Music Festival and develop new methods of remote access to such materials via the DAMS