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SPHS 115: El ensayo lectura, analisis y redaccion

Login Instructions

To Search the resources and databases linked on this guide, you'll need to enter your CRUZ ID and Gold Password when prompted.

Go to Nomad and install the browser extension. This extension will make getting access to articles seamless.

For more help, visit the Online Access Guide.

Journal Articles

Use your search terms (keywords) in the recommended databases to identify scholarly sources (academic articles or books) related to your research question. Checklist for searching a database & finding sources:

  • Use one or more of the recommended databases below
  • Keep track of the search terms you use and new ones you encounter
  • As you find references: 1) Save the citation information (Zotero can help you with this); 2a) Download any PDFs available, or 2b) Click UC-eLinks to find additional options (other PDF links or the "Request it" order form)


Recommended Databases