To view and browse the streaming videos that are already available in our collection, please visit our Streaming Videos Collection page.
Important Note: Streaming video licenses can only be purchased for online/hybrid courses or if there is an ADA or DRC-related need. Additionally, please limit your requests to films that are required viewing for your course. In your request, include the course code, title, and date when access would first be needed for required viewing. This will help ensure that the library can meet your class needs.
University libraries and other educational organizations are able to purchase streaming media licenses from vendors only if they are set up as institutional resources that can be used by many people in the organization.
There are a number of streaming media sites and vendors that are set up for individual viewing and we are unable to purchase from them, including but not limited to: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Vimeo, HBO Max, Disney+.
Listed below are some streaming film databases. Individual titles for films in these databases are discoverable through Library Search.
For a full list of our video databases, visit our A-Z databases page.