申報 1872-1949 Shen bao為近代中國發行時間最久、具有廣泛社會影響的報紙。原先全稱《申江新報》,創刊於清同治十一年三月二十三日(1872年4月30日)]1949年5月27日,中國人民解放軍接管上海防務後,因為《申報》為中國國民黨黨產而宣布停刊。前後總計經營了77年,共出版25600期。Shen Bao was the most important Chinese newspaper in late Qing and Republican China, comprehensively covering all the aspects in politics, economy, culture, society, literature and academic studies during the period. With the full-text searchable function, the database comes with added value to the scholars in the fields of modern Chinese history, modern Chinese literature and culture, as well as sociology, anthropology and geographic/demographic studies.