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Digital Scholarship at UCSC Libraries

Checkout Policies


Equipment is available to all campus affiliates (students, staff, and faculty).

Checkout Period

Checkout periods range from 4 hours to 72 hours depending on the equipment. ​You can also request an extended checkout.


Equipment checkouts are renewable as long as there is no existing reservation.


The equipment is located either at the Media Desk in the David Kirk Digital Scholarship Commons on the ground floor of McHenry Library or in the Digital Scholarship Innovation Studio on the ground floor of the Science and Engineering Library. See specific equipment pages for information on where it can be checked out.


We cannot guarantee that batteries will be charged. Dead AA and AAA batteries can be replaced by staff at the Media Desk upon request.

External Media

Be sure to back up and delete your data from any removable SD cards prior to returning the equipment. In the event that you do not save your data before returning the equipment, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to recover it at a later date.


You can reserve any of our equipment in advance through our extended booking form. Extended bookings are limited to 2 weeks during the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters and 2 months during the Summer Quarter.

Please be advised that UCSC Library Reserves Policies ➚, including late fees, apply to all equipment checkouts.