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Athenize Your Links

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Use the Athenizer to create links to library content.

Copy and paste a persistent link to an article, ebook, or film here to generate a link that will authenticate you when off-campus.

Have an old, proxied OCA link? The Athenizer will strip out the proxy string as well as adding OpenAthens information.

Be sure to TEST your links before sharing them.





Special Links

These resources use an identifier in the URL and do NOT use the OpenAthens Redirector (Alma Proxy=No)

Swank Digital Campus
Digital Theatre Plus
O'Reilly eBooks
Ebook Central (ProQuest)
ProQuest Databases


Library Access Bookmarklet

Reload any page through OpenAthens

  1. Drag and drop this UCSC Library Access bookmarklet link into your browser’s bookmark toolbar
  2. When you visit a journal website or find an article, click the UCSC Library Access toolbar link to reload the page through the Library Authentication system, OpenAthens

Zotero Browser Extension & Google Scholar

Remove the OCA proxy from your Zotero Browser Extension.
Right-click on the browser extension icon to access "Preferences" and then "Proxies." Select the OCA proxy from the list and then click the "-" (minus) button to remove it.

This should resolve problems in Google Scholar and Zotero-related errors.