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New to the Library?

We're here to help you discover, create, and succeed in your courses.

Current students' advice on how to thrive...

 Ask Questions

I was terrified to ask questions when I was a freshman even though there were people whose job it was to answer my questions.

I wasn’t sure who to ask so I didn’t ask anyone. Pick a person, ask them, and they can tell you who to ask. Don’t be afraid to be wrong.

 Get Set Up with the Library

Learn how to log on and use the Library website so you’re ready when you need it.

Make sure you know how to find Course Reserves through the Library. 

 Get Involved

The best thing that happened freshman year was working on assignments with other people struggling in the same class.

I got involved super quickly--jumping in was helpful. Join a club or get a job. Campus tutoring is also a good way to meet people. 

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