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Digital Scholarship at UCSC Libraries

Equipment for Checkout

The Digital Scholarship Department has a wide range of equipment both for checkout and in-space use. The David Kirk Digital Scholarship Commons (DSC) on the ground floor of  McHenry Library holds our audio, video, and design equipment along with a portion of our VR spaces and equipment. The Digital Innovation Studio (DSI) on the Lower Level of the Science & Engineering Library has equipment for 3D printing, photogrammetry, lasercutting, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

Checkout, Reservation, and Renewal

When available, equipment can be checked out without reservation, but you can reserve most equipment up to 2 weeks in advance. You can also request an extended checkout or item renewal.


The Digital Scholarship Commons provides access to software and equipment, but we cannot provide expert support for all functionality. The user is responsible for all work conducted on these workstations. 

Need Help?

Our tutorials provide introductions to some of the software and equipment we offer, and we can provide limited one-on-one help during our Student Support Hours.

VR Equipment

HTC VIVE headset

HTC Vive (temporarily unavailable)

HTC Vive Pro