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BME 185 Technical Writing for Biomolecular Engineers

Database Strategy

  • The databases on this page have peer reviewed articles, but not everything in the databases are peer reviewed. When in doubt, ask.
  • Find two or three databases that are best for your topic. More than one database is important.
    • For example, Google Scholar and Inspec. One is big and multidisciplinary, the other is smaller and more focused on engineering.

Get It at UC

  • Get it at UC 
    Displays in databases that only describe the sources (these usually only include citations and abstracts). Use it to find links to the full item or request it through interlibrary loan.

Searching Tips


How can you SORT your results? Look at the options!

Sort by TIMES CITED to find keystone / foundational papers for your topic.

How can you FILTER? Can you choose just the peer review articles? Or just review articles (easier to read)?

See what keywords are assigned to each search result. Use these to refine your search terms.


Use the references cited to find more relevant articles. 

If you see the same author name over and over, search by that author name. 

How do your search terms match the terms in the papers? Are there any changes you should make to your search terms?

Connect From Your Computer

For access to e-books, online journals, databases: