Borrowing Eligibility
UCSC Faculty, Staff, and Students
Your Library Card
Your UC Santa Cruz photo identification card is your University Library card. You can go through your department office manager or supervisor to set up payment then go to ID card services next to the Baytree Bookstore to get the picture ID card. ID cards are produced on the spot.
Expiration Dates
Expiration dates coincide with the term of employment. If there is no expiration date (career status), cards expire yearly. You can call the circulation desk to renew your card for another year and update any contact information.
For Faculty
Proxy borrowing cards permit UCSC faculty to designate individuals of their choosing to borrow library material in their name to support faculty research.
For Students
UCSC students who are registered with the Disability Resources Center (DRC) may have a proxy and can apply for a proxy card at either the McHenry Library or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desk.
Your UCSC paper or photo identification card can be made into a University Library card.
Expiration Dates
Expiration dates coincide with the term of employment. If there is no expiration date (career status), cards expire yearly. You can call the circulation desk to renew your card for another year and update any contact information.
Concurrent enrolled students, students taking a class at the university through the University Extension program, are eligible for library cards.
Your Library CardOther University of California Borrowers
UC Faculty may use their home institution ID card as their Library card. For those UC Faculty members who do not have an identification card issued by their home library or home institution, cards can be issued at the McHenry Library or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desk upon presentation of proof of UC employment.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:*UC Benefits may be called if the borrower is a retiree and has no annuitant card (800-888-8267)
UC Staff may use their home institution ID card as their Library card. For those UC Staff members who do not have an identification card issued by their home library or home institution, a photo ID along with proof of UC employment may be used.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Library cards are issued at McHenry or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desks upon presentation of proof that he or she is a retired UC employee. The library card will expire at the end of each academic year.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:*UC Benefits may be called if the borrower is a retiree and has no annuitant card (800-888-8267)
Borrowers from Other California Institutions
Persons enrolled in University Extension courses, courses taught through the extension program that is not associated with UCSC like concurrent students, are not eligible for a library card. They are welcome to join the Friends of the Library (at the student fee) to receive limited borrowing privileges.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Library cards are issued at the McHenry Library or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desk. Patron must be employed at a California-accredited institution. Patron will need a current ID from the home campus or an introductory letter on institutional letterhead stationary, and a picture ID. Library cards are valid until the end of the current academic year and are eligible for renewal.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Library cards are issued at McHenry or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desks upon presentation of a letter (hardcopy or scanned and on a device) from a Cabrillo College Librarian. The library card will be valid for the duration of the research project, as indicated on the letter.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Stanford University faculty, academic staff, graduate students, and doctoral students participating in the Stanford University Reciprocal Program are eligible for library privileges at UCSC.
Your Library CardLibrary cards for this category of borrower are issued at the McHenry Library or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desk upon presentation of a valid Reciprocal Services Card. The expiration date on the card issued to this category of borrower should match the expiration date on the borrower's Reciprocal Services Card.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Note: UCSC faculty, staff, and graduate students are also eligible for reciprocal borrowing privileges at Stanford. Please come to either of the circulation desks with your university ID to fill out an application.
Library cards are issued at the McHenry Library or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desk. Patron must have a signed letter from an appropriate administrator (such as a principal or vice principal) on institutional letter head, and a valid picture ID.
If the card is issued in the months of January-August, it will be valid through Sept. 30 of the current year. If the card is issued in the months of September-December, it will be valid through Sept. 30 of the following year.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Library cards are issued at McHenry or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desks upon presentation of a current staff ID card, or a Dominican card marked "Volunteer."
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Upon presentation of a current Lawrence Livermore Laboratory employee ID card, lab employees will be issued a courtesy card which will be valid for one year.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Courtesy Borrowers
Immediate family includes a spouse or domestic partner and children over the age of 18 who are living at the same address as the UCSC faculty or staff. Library cards for this category of borrower are issued at the McHenry Library or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desk.
Your Library CardLibrary cards are issued at the McHenry Library or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desk upon presentation of proof of membership in any regular UC Alumni Association and a picture ID. Library cards will be given a yearly expiration date and can be renewed annually by showing a photo ID at the Circulation Desk. You must have attended the university for some period of time to become a member of the UC Alumni Association. To find out more, go to Services for Alumni.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Visiting scholars must provide proof of association with UCSC by presenting a letter on institutional letterhead from a UCSC faculty member or department office. Library cards are issued at McHenry or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desks. The card is valid for the period of time described in the letter or until the end of the current academic year.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:Library cards are issued at McHenry or Science & Engineering Library Circulation Desks upon presentation of proof of UCSC retiree status. The library card will expire annually.
Borrowers are eligible for the following:The Head or Director of each summer conference program may request borrowing privileges. The program will be required to accept responsibility for all material checked out by participants in the program. Notify the library in writing or email with the following information:
Library borrowing privileges must be approved by the University Librarian or designee. Privileges granted must comply with licensing/vendor contracts.