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Course Reserves

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  • Reserve materials circulate to UCSC students (including concurrent), faculty, and staff only.
  • To check out reserve materials, please have a photo ID and the call numbers. You can find the call number by using the Course Reserves search box in the left column. 
  • Patrons can check out up to 5 reserve items at a time. 

Loan Periods

There are 3 possible loan periods for reserve materials: 

  • 2-hour
  • 24-hour
  • 72-hour

Other information regarding loan periods:

  • Loan periods are determined by the instructor of the course.
  • Overnight checkout is an option for most 2-hour reserve items. For more information on overnight checkout, see box below.

Overnight Checkout

Unless they are lab keys or otherwise specified by the instructor, reserve items on 2-hour loan are available for overnight checkout. Items go out 2 hours before closing and are due the following day 1 hour after library opening. Equipment items on 4-hour loan check out overnight 4 hours before closing and are due the following day 1 hour after library opening. Please refer to the schedule below for Academic Quarter overnight checkout: 

Fall 2023 - Winter 2024 - Spring 2024

Day Hours Open Overnight Checkout Time Next Day Due Time
Monday-Thursday 8am-Midnight 10pm (Books) 8pm (Equipment) 9am Tuesday-Friday
Friday 8am-8pm 6pm (Books) 4pm (Equipment) 12pm Saturday 
Saturday 11am-7pm 5pm (Books) 3pm (Equipment) 11am Sunday 
Sunday 10am-Midnight 10pm (Books) 8pm (Equipment) 9am Monday


Renewing Reserve Items

  • Reserve material must be renewed in person at the library where it was checked out. Reserves are not renewable online or by phone.
  • Reserve material may be renewed as long as the item is not booked for another patron at the time of renewal.

Reserve Bookings

Bookings are a way to place a hold on a reserve item that is already checked out, or for a later time.

  • Bookings must placed in person.
  • Bookings can be placed at either Circulation desk, regardless of where the desired material is on reserve. 
  • Bookings can be placed up to one day in advance for 2-hour and 24-hour materials. If the item has a 72-hour loan period and is checked out, a booking can be placed on that item for the due date.
  • Bookings can not be placed on multiple copies of the same item. 
  • Patrons can not place a booking on an item they currently have checked out.
  • Bookings expire 15 minutes after the specified pick-up time. 

Overdue Fees

Reserve overdue fines are:

  • $2 for every hour, or partial hour overdue.
  • $75 maximum per item, unless the item is not returned.

More information about reserve overdue fines: 

  • If a reserve item is not returned, the patron will be charged for the cost of replacement. 
  • Reserve items have a 15-minute grace period, during which time no overdue fines will accrue.
  • Overdue fines for reserve items continue to accrue when the library is closed.
  • Overdue fines can be paid through MyUCSC or in person at the Cashier's Office.

If you have a question or concern about a reserves overdue fine, or if you would like to appeal a reserves overdue fine, please fill out a Billing Appeal Form