The following sources contain detailed descriptions of statistical reports and will lead you to other sources. They can be challenging to use, particularly for the novice. Ask Reference staff for assistance, if you have difficulty.
- American Statistics Index (ASI)
Index to U.S. Government produced statistics and statistical reports (federal agencies, Bureau of the Census, etc.). Covers government finance, government programs, population characteristics, aid to foreign countries, etc.
In print: McH Ref HA37.U55A6
- Index to International Statistics (IIS)
Statistics for foreign countries and United Nations reports. Also includes reports from organizationis such as the World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, etc.. Covers population, business, financial activities, foreign trade, education, health, and political characteristics.
In print: McH Ref HA154.I53
- Statistical Reference Index (SRI)
Selective guide to statistical publications from private organizations and state government sources. Covers business, industry, finance, social trends, and government programs.
In print: McH Ref HA214.S73
Using these sources is a three step process:
- Look up the subject or topic in the Index volume for a given year to find relevant publications. Write down the accession number.
- Find the Abstract volume for the corresponding year and look up the accession number. This will take you to the comprehensive description of the publication.
- Look up the publication title in library search to see if the UCSC library has access to it.