The University Library’s objective remains constant: provide the broadest access we can to the resources UCSC faculty, staff, and students need to support their research, teaching, and academic success.
1. Prioritizing our funding of and participation in the California Digital Library (CDL) licensed resources (e.g., JSTOR, Wiley, Project Muse, ACS, etc.) because these resources most effectively support the broad range of faculty and graduate student research and publishing needs and they most comprehensively support student teaching and learning.
2. Investing in Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) and Course Reserves Services because these services support students in meeting their course requirements and support course affordability. DDA also supports print and ebook-focused research support requests that are not already met through our Interlibrary Loan/Resource Sharing agreements or our CDL-licensed ebook agreements.
3. Leveraging our Interlibrary Loan/Resource Sharing Services because these services support unique research requests outside of our CDL and DDA programs by relying on and investing in the strong relationships we have in the UC and beyond.
4. Preserving the future of and access to the print scholarly record through our participation in Shared Print Programs and our partnerships with University of California, United States, and North American Libraries (JACS, WEST, the Partnership, and HathiTrust).