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HIS 194N: Urbanites in the Global South

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OVERVIEW The Library is not just a building with books. It's a digital space with online access to sources. It's a network of libraries that loan books and articles across campuses; this allows you to access sources UCSC library does actually own or subscribe to. 

Before you gets started, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW HOW TO:

[  ] Sign in.

[  ] Access online items: e-Books viewers, PDF downloads, etc. 

[  ] Improve your searches with Keywords. 

[  ] SIGN IN.

  • To get online access, go here to learn more. The two options are UC Library Search & MyAthens. Sing in with your CRUZ ID and Gold Password
  • Install the Nomad Extension; follow the Get Nomad button. 
  • A campus VPN is available, if needed.


  • If you're not finding the full text PDF, etc.
    • Look for the Get it at UC button: Icon for Get it at UC 
    • Request InterLibrary Loan delivery if we don't own it
  • If it looks like you need to pay money to access any source, contact us for free alternatives. 
  • Send us an Ask Us message at anytime to answer your questions. 


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