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Kresge 25—Successful Transfer to the Research University

Library Search

The big yellow search box on the library home page is known simply as Library Search. It's set by default to find books; articles from academic journals, popular magazines, and newspapers; reference entries; and freely available open-access studies and reports, all available in full text on-line. Streaming audio and video to which you have access too.

library home page: Library Search



Like Google or other search engines you've used, the search terms you enter will likely produce a large number of results. Don't let that put you off—use the filters on the right of the results page to limit to what you need by resource type/format, publication date, subject area, and more.


Library Search results and filters


Once in-person classes resume and the libraries reopen, you can use Library Search to find physical books, journals, video and audio discs, and other formats as well.