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History Research Seminar: Best Practices for Students

This guide support students enrolled in the Research Seminars in the History Department.

About this page

The History Research Seminar provides an opportunity to acquire experience in practical research skills while developing a research project culminating in the writing of a substantial research paper. 

Though seminars challenge you to increase your knowledge in a subject area, you are likely not new to research. Classes like History 100 and Writing 2, or the equivalent before you transferred, have helped you shape your understanding of research, including understanding the differences between a secondary source and a primary source, understanding the value Library database as well as visiting the University Library or Special Collections and Archives to gather primary and secondary sources for research assignments. 

What's different in research seminars is the need to delve deeper into a topic. This will challenge you to use specialized library resources and databases to discover subject specific-primary and secondary sources and your searches will benefit from more savvy research strategies.


Through conversations with previous History seminar students, we uncovered areas in their seminar experience where they felt like they could've used additional support. These include:  

  • Topics choices 
  • Primary resources,
  • The role of secondary sources,  
  • Should I use a block quote?


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Research Seminar Guides

About the Guide's Creator

photograph of librarianHello, My name is Annette and I'm the librarian for the Humanities.

If you want to reach me, send me an email at