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Climate Change

Using this guide

This guide is useful for conducting research and identifying resources for the inter - and multidisciplinary on the topic of climate change. Students in ENVS-144/POL179-01 Global Climate Change Politics are encouraged to use this guide.

Academic Literature Sources

Below are links to databases for finding academic literature (journal articles, books, etc.) in the multidisciplinary field of climate change. 

For access to e-books, online journals, databases: 

  • Use your Cruz ID when prompted
  • For On-Campus Wireless Access - Use eduroam
  • Use the Nomad extension for quick links to subscription-based full text.
  • Find Open Access versions of paywalled articles with the Unpaywall browser app.


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    Displays in databases that only describe the sources (these usually only include citations and abstracts). Use it to find links to the full item or request it through interlibrary loan.

Newspaper Sources