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Tutorials + Resources

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Digital Scholarship at UCSC Libraries


Audio is an increasingly popular medium for scholars and students of all disciplines and levels. Telling a story, communicating an argument, sharing an interaction, through something like a podcast can be powerful both for the producer and the listener. The Digital Scholarship Department offers robust support for all phases of audio production, from recording, to editing, to storyboarding and project workflow.


Here you'll find a growing list of tutorials and recorded workshops around both audio editing software and recording, editing, and audio project management.

Software Tutorials


Recorded Workshops

Equipment + Spaces

The DSC offers a wide range of audio recording equipment for checkout as well as spaces for recording and editing.



Additional Resources

There are an enormous number of good quality resources out there on audio editing, audio storytelling, and much more. Here are a few we like. You'll note that, in our opinion, a lot of the good stuff comes from the world of public radio podcasting.