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Cite Data and Statistics

How to cite numeric data and statistics

Citation Style Help

Need help with a citation style?  Check out these helpful links:

  • APA 
    (More APA style help @ Purdue OWL Writing Lab)
  • MLA 
    Works Cited: A Quick Guide (a template of core elements)
    (More MLA style help @ Purdue OWL Writing Lab)
  • Chicago
    (More Chicago style help @ Purdue OWL Writing Lab)
  • Turabian
  • CSE (Council of Science Editors)

For even more writing resources visit the Purdue OWL Writing Lab

What is a citation?

What is a citation?
A citation is a description of a book, article, website, etc. that provides enough information so that others can locate the source you used themselves. It allows you to credit the authors of the sources you use and clarify which ideas belong to you and which belong to other sources.

What information is included?  
Citation information usually includes: author(s), date of publication, title, and publisher's name and location (and for articles: journal title, volume, issue and page numbers).

More information


Oops, I plagiarized!
UCLA library guide on avoiding plagiarism

Avoiding Plagiarism
Short pdf guide from UC Davis

Citation Management Software

Citation management software let's you save, organize, format and share citations from a variety of sites (e.g. library catalogs, article databases, Amazon etc.) and create bibliographies and cited reference lists using citation style formats (e.g. APA, MLA, etc.)

Intro to Zotero

EndNote Web: Overview